County fair Classics
Posted On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at at 5:19 AM by JoanWhen you live in such a small town, the county fair is a much bigger deal to you than if you lived in a city. I'm sure that there are tons of people who have never stepped foot on fair grounds just because they have a lot more exciting things to do. But that's not the case for me. Even though I'm a little bit older now, I still get really excited when i see the fair grounds that I drive by every day to work start to fill up and come alive. But now it just seems like it costs so much to ride a lot of those rides when I looked up the prices for ride tickets with my direct tv internet bundle the other day. But that's okay anyway. Now I don't really care about riding all the rides. Instead, I like to chow down on some great tasting food that's not so good for you. Voice with this exclusive home bundle DirectTV and clear. Some of the kinds of food that I absolutely have to have every single year is funnel cakes and hot dogs. They just seem like the perfect fair food and there's no where else where it seems as or even more appropriate to eat it.