The government
Posted On Monday, June 21, 2010 at at 11:11 PM by JoanThe government is an institution. An institution can lead to a united demand. The government as the institution meets the needs of people in maintaining peace and order in the country. It generates, expressive, and implements the goals and conditions of men. protects the rights of citizens.
Posted On Saturday, June 19, 2010 at at 10:16 PM by JoanDeposition is the settling or coming to rest of transported materials. Sediment is deposited when running water, glacial ice, waves, or wind loses energy and can no longer transport its load.
Sound energy
Posted On at at 9:55 PM by JoanSound energy is the form of energy that enables you yo see the disturbance of matter. Sound waves require some kinds of materials to travel through. they cannot move through a vacuum.
What happens in cases where the parents cannot agree?
Posted On Saturday, June 12, 2010 at at 1:03 AM by JoanThe a custody case will have to be filed in court. Also, whenever a case for nullity of marriage on psychological incapacity is filed under Article 36 of the Family Code, of the matter custody of the children shall be decide in such case.
Electrical Energy
Posted On Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at at 10:54 PM by JoanELECTRICAL energy is converted to mechanical energy in electric fans, electric pumps and motor vehicles. It is converted to heat in the electrical flat iron and electrical stove. It is converted to sound in the radio and electrical bell. Give at least two other uses of electrical energy.
Snake and Rats
Posted On Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at at 1:09 AM by JoanSnake eat rats and mice. Thus the snake in a farm keep the rat population in the farm under control. This is one way by which snake help man.